Monday, July 11, 2011

To WW or not to WW

I'm sitting here on my last day of my vacation to North Carolina and reflecting on how I've eaten during this trip.  Not so good.  I haven't been mindful of what I've been eating and I've found Laura's stash of bars, which is a major weakness for me.  I'm very worried that I've lost the momentum for healthful choices that I had coming into vacation.  I'll just have to wait and see how quickly I can bounce back into the positive changes I was working on.  I estimate that the scale is going to show a few pound weight gain on Wednesday morning, but I'll just have to wait and see on that.

In related news, I'm considering trying Weight Watchers again.  I've made a list of the pro's and con's and I think the pro's are winning out.  I won't do the version where you go to a meeting; instead I'll do the online version.  The pro's as I see them are 1) it's a proven successful method of weightloss; 2) I need to change the way I eat and this is as good a method as any; 3) I might enjoy the record-keeping aspect of it; 4) unlimited fruits and most veggies; 5) stay accountable by recording what I eat and what activity levels I have.

The con's are I've tried it before and I've failed.  It hasn't failed but I have failed at it.  Is the structured nature of it going to make me feel restricted or deprived?   And most importantly, related to why I've failed in the past, if I go over my points for a day am I going to want to give up?

The pro's are strong but the con's/questions are very real.  I have to recommit myself to these changes that I want to be permanent.  From what I read of others' experience with WW is that if I'm feeling deprived or overly restricted then I'm probably doing it wrong.  As for giving up if I have a bad off-plan day, I just have to decide that this is a marathon, not a sprint and that one bad day doesn't need to tank the whole operation.

I think I'll sign up for a three month deal and see how it goes.  But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was scared of failing again.


  1. I've never done WW, but I totally relate to this post. Every time I restart a diet, I set myself up for failure because I get depressed - it didn't work last time, so why would it work this time? Keep in mind, though, that you're not the same person as the last time you tried. What are your strengths now as compared to the last time you were on WW? The realization that one bad day doesn't equal failure is a *huge* victory, and definitely a strength!
