Friday, June 24, 2011

Grieving the food

The first five days of giving up the junk habits were relatively easy compared to the last few days. I feel like I'm in mourning for the Oreos, bars and high-cal drinks that no longer live at my house. The first handful of days it was all very new and I was caught up in it. Now life is just moving along and I'm doing it without my food crutches. I'm limping without them.

Does anyone else feel this way? I've been reading some blogs by people who have worked hard and lost a ton of weight and I wonder if they dealt with the sadness of not having that trusty old companion of food.

I confess that I'm going insane being home with the boys out of school for the summer (they start kindergarten in the fall but were in preK) and I used that junk food to measure time and to cope. Measuring time now involves watching the minute hand crawl around the clock whereas I used to break up the day with my junky snacks and that made the time go faster. Now I feel tortured by how slow it's going.

I don't know what to do about this grieving but I hope just getting more days under my belt is going to help.


  1. Oh, yes. I cried myself to sleep several times the first couple of weeks, I wanted junk food so bad. It's a detox process - just like coming off of any addiction. It *does* get easier - try to find things to replace the unhealthy snacking in your schedule. I loved the book "50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food" by Susan Albers, lots of great ideas there!

  2. I agree with the comment above - It's like coming off of a drug, because in many ways, it is a drug. I know for a fact that I was having a physical reaction to the loss of refined sugar during the first and second week that I gave up the bad stuff. I started doing crazy things like brush my teeth every time I craved a sweet. One day, about a week into my journey, I brushed my teeth no less than ten times. I'll definitely have to get the book "50 Ways to Soothe..." I need it. Otherwise my gums are going to start bleeding from so much brushing.
