Monday, June 27, 2011

So far, so good

Life is going well the last couple of days here in my world. I got through the bad day last week when I was so deeply grieving my junk food and those feelings have been pretty manageable since then. There is no way I'd have been able to give up the junk food if I wasn't drinking so much water. I'm drinking about 100 ounces a day and actually loving it. I still have about one full caffeine-free soda a day.

Because I know that this weight isn't going to fall off forever just because I gave up my 1,500 extra calorie a day junk habit, I know I need to start getting some exercise. I have a recumbent bike but that's about as much fun as a trip to the morgue, so I decided on something else. I ordered some Zumba DVDs from Amazon yesterday and I'm super excited for them to come. It may be a couple weeks before I can use them since we're heading for NC in a little over a week but it looks like fun.

Then my biggest challenge is going to be finding the time to actually do the videos (I guess calling them videos dates me, huh?), but I'm sure that's a challenge that everyone trying to make positive health changes deals with. I'll have to wait until Dave gets home from work and then I'll escape to the bedroom to zumba.

Also on the positive front is that I joined an online challenge at where teams compete to see who can lose the most weight over an 11 week period. I only have one person on my team so far but were expecting more soon. It's just something additional to keep me motivated.

My foot hasn't healed as fast as I'd hoped and it looks like I won't be able to go swimming during our trip to NC so that stinks. Now my biggest question is will I be able to go if I'm not yet in a tennis shoe. I'm off IV antibiotics now and on oral antibiotics so hopefully I'll be able to put this ordeal behind me soon! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the cravings are mellowing. :) Water definitely helps, always. I've never tried Zumba before but tons of bloggers rave about it, it sounds so fun!
